This is the “Arrange Board” piece palette. Click on a piece to add that kind of piece to the board. This is the game slider. Clicking on the pointy ends move you forward or backward one move in the game. Sliding the bead up or down moves you to anywhere in the game. The color of the bead indicates whose move it is at that point in the game. This is the game slider. It is completely useless until there are some moves made in the game. This is your Out-Box. Enter text messages here to send to the opponent. This is your In-Box. Messages from the opponent are displayed here. You can not enter or edit any text here, but you can copy text from here to the clipboard. Click here to send a recorded sound to your opponent. You must have recorded a sound for this to be available. Click here to send a recorded sound to your opponent. Click here to record a sound to be sent to your opponent. You must have a sound input device for this to be available. Click here to record a sound to be sent to your opponent. Click here to register a draw. In 2-player mode, click here to offer or accept a draw. Click here if you give up. If checked, black starts arranged game. If checked, white starts arranged game. When checked, an incomming message produces a beep. To activate, choose 2-player game. When checked, an incomming message produces a beep. When checked, an incomming move produces a beep. To activate, choose 2-player game. When checked, an incomming move produces a beep. Use this to send a message to the opponent. To activate, choose 2-player game. Use this to send a message to the opponent.